@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ case class CompanyWenshuDetailCombine(s: SparkSession,
| SELECT cname,max(new_cid) new_cid
| FROM winhc_eci_dev.base_company_mapping
- | WHERE ds = '$mapDs' AND length(CLEANUP(cname)) > 4 AND deleted ='0' AND company_type not in ('2','8')
+ | WHERE ds = '$mapDs' AND length(CLEANUP(cname)) > 4 AND company_type not in ('2','8')
| GROUP BY cname
| ) f
|ON CLEANUP(e.cname) = CLEANUP(f.cname)
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ case class JudicialCaseRelationPreNew(s: SparkSession, project: String, ds: Stri
| cname
| ,concat_ws(',',collect_set(new_cid)) AS new_cid
| FROM $project.$t5
- | WHERE ds = '$t5_ds' AND length(cleanup(cname)) >4 AND company_type not in ('2','8') AND deleted = '0'
+ | WHERE ds = '$t5_ds' AND length(cleanup(cname)) >4 AND company_type not in ('2','8')
| ON cleanup(e.name) = cleanup(f.cname)