@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
package com.winhc.bigdata.spark.jobs.deadbeat
import com.winhc.bigdata.spark.udf.BaseFunc
-import com.winhc.bigdata.spark.utils.{DateUtils, LoggingUtils, SparkUtils}
+import com.winhc.bigdata.spark.utils.BaseUtil.isWindows
+import com.winhc.bigdata.spark.utils.{BaseUtil, DateUtils, LoggingUtils, SparkUtils}
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.{MutableAggregationBuffer, UserDefinedAggregateFunction}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
@@ -205,7 +206,39 @@ case class deadbeat_info(s: SparkSession,
spark.udf.register("to_millis_timestamp", toTime _)
+ def personPre(): Unit = {
+ //参与预处理的表
+ val mapTables = new mutable.HashMap[String, (String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String)]()
+ mapTables("company_zxr") = ("rowkey", "cname", "card", "case_create_time", "deleted", "case_no", "court", "1")
+ mapTables("company_dishonest_info") = ("rowkey", "name", "card_num", "reg_time", "deleted", "case_no", "court", "2")
+ mapTables("company_zxr_final_case") = ("rowkey", "name", "identity_num", "case_create_time", "deleted", "case_no", "court_name", "3")
+ mapTables("company_zxr_restrict") = ("rowkey", "name", "identity_num", "case_create_time", "deleted", "case_no", "court_name", "4")
+ is_id_card()
+ id_card_trimOrRaw_udf()
+ mapTables.map(m => {
+ val lastDsIncAds = BaseUtil.getPartion("inc_ads_" + m._1 + "_person", spark)
+ spark.sparkContext.setJobDescription(s"查老赖数据预处理:${m._1}个表聚合($lastDsIncAds)")
+ sql(s"""
+ |INSERT ${if (isWindows) "INTO" else "OVERWRITE"} table $project.ads_deadbeat_person partition(ds='$lastDsIncAds',tn='${m._1}_person')
+ |FROM(
+ | SELECT ${m._2._1} AS rowkey
+ | ,${m._2._2} AS name
+ | ,${m._2._3} AS card_num
+ | ,${m._2._4} AS publish_date
+ | ,${m._2._5} AS deleted
+ | ,${m._2._6} AS case_no
+ | ,${m._2._7} AS court_name
+ | ,${m._2._8} AS flag
+ | ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY card_num ORDER BY publish_date DESC) num
+ | FROM $project.inc_ads_${m._1}_person
+ | WHERE ds=$lastDsIncAds AND is_id_card(${m._2._3})
+ |)
+ |WHERE num=1
+ |""".stripMargin
+ )
+ })
+ }
def person(): Unit = {
val target_tab = s"${getEnvProjectName(env, project)}.ads_deadbeat_person_out"
val org_tab = s"$project.ads_deadbeat_person"
@@ -274,8 +307,40 @@ case class deadbeat_info(s: SparkSession,
| )
+ def companyPre(): Unit = {
+ //参与预处理的表
+ val mapTables = new mutable.HashMap[String, (String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String)]()
+ mapTables("company_zxr") = ("rowkey", "cid", "cname", "card", "case_create_time", "deleted", "case_no", "court", "1")
+ mapTables("company_dishonest_info") = ("rowkey", "cid", "name", "card_num", "reg_time", "deleted", "case_no", "court", "2")
+ mapTables("company_zxr_final_case") = ("rowkey", "cid", "name", "identity_num", "case_create_time", "deleted", "case_no", "court_name", "3")
+ mapTables("company_zxr_restrict") = ("rowkey", "cid", "name", "identity_num", "case_create_time", "deleted", "case_no", "court_name", "4")
+ is_id_card()
+ id_card_trimOrRaw_udf()
+ mapTables.map(m => {
+ val lastDsIncOds = BaseUtil.getPartion("inc_ads_" + m._1, spark)
+ spark.sparkContext.setJobDescription(s"查老赖数据预处理:${m._1}($lastDsIncOds)")
+ sql(s"""
+ |INSERT ${if (isWindows) "INTO" else "OVERWRITE"} table $project.ads_deadbeat_company partition(ds='$lastDsIncOds',tn='${m._1}')
+ |FROM(
+ | SELECT ${m._2._1} AS rowkey
+ | ,${m._2._2} AS name
+ | ,${m._2._3} AS name
+ | ,${m._2._4} AS card_num
+ | ,${m._2._5} AS publish_date
+ | ,${m._2._6} AS deleted
+ | ,${m._2._7} AS case_no
+ | ,${m._2._8} AS court_name
+ | ,${m._2._9} AS flag
+ | ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY card_num ORDER BY publish_date DESC ) num
+ | FROM $project.inc_ads_${m._1}
+ | WHERE ds=$lastDsIncOds AND ${m._2._1} IS NULL
+ |)
+ |WHERE num=1
+ |""".stripMargin
+ )
+ })
+ }
def company(): Unit = {
val target_tab = s"${getEnvProjectName(env, project)}.ads_deadbeat_company_out"
val org_tab = s"$project.ads_deadbeat_company"
@@ -478,7 +543,9 @@ object deadbeat_info {
val spark: SparkSession = SparkUtils.InitEnv(this.getClass.getSimpleName, config)
val di = deadbeat_info(spark, "winhc_eci_dev")
+ di.personPre()
+ di.companyPre()